
blog-me01Hello world! I’m an animation student at the University of Art & Design in Lucerne, Switzerland. I’ve finished my Bachelor in the summer if 2011. Now I’m in my Master studies. This blog serves partly to document my Master project. On the other hand I will post articles or links to articles, or links to films, or random thoughts and reflexions, mainly on animation. You will see!
You might wonder about posts on Japanese culture and animes. Well, I’ve spent most of my childhood in Japan, spending only two of my first 16 years in Switzerland. But my interest in manga and anime only started growing later during my studies.
So, read and enjoy!

Plus HERE you can visit my profile on Vimeo.

One thought on “About

  1. Hey-ho!

    Mr händ ois adä tschuttiheftli-Usschtellig in Lozärn troffe, met dä Manu.

    Dasch en sehr schöne Blog, wo du da am führe bisch!
    *got yourself a new follower* 😉

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